In yet another international ruling, Google has been ordered to remove a website from its global search results. Today, B.C. Supreme Court Justice Lauri Ann Fenlon ruled that Google has 14 days to remove a company by the name of Datalink from its global search results. Datalink is the rival of technology company Equustek, who manufactures networking devices for industrial equipment. Equustek has alleged that Datalink has stolen product designs by recruiting a former Equustek engineer.
While Equustek has already won the battle in Canadian courts, this case sets a precedent for international rulings. Justice Lauri Ann Fenlon has stated:
“The courts must adapt to the reality of e-commerce with its potential for abuse by those who would take the property of others and sell it through the borderless electronic web of the internet,”
Google has argued that the B.C. court does not have jurisdiction to enforce such a ruling as their headquarters are located in the United States, but Justice Fenlon countered that the company clearly does business in the province via selling ads and providing search results.
For more information read the full article: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/google-ordered-to-remove-website-from-global-search-results-1.2679824