Here’s what’s happened over the past 24 hours in search. If you know of stories not covered here in the last 24 hours please add them in the comments below.
Google Defines Crawl Budget
Google’s Gary Illyes took to the Webmaster Central Blog to outline exactly what crawl budget means, how it’s determines and how to can improve yours. Gary also defines the different realted terms “crawl rate limit” and “crawl demand”.
Ex-Googler Outlines How AI With Impact PPC Automation
Ex-Googler Fred Vallaeys wrote a very good piece for Search Engine Land on AI, the different types of it and how it will increasingly impact PPC management. This one is a great read even if you’re not interested in PPC as his descriptions of AI itself make it worth the read.
What Do Voice Searchers Want?
In a study done by Stone Temple they have determined and presented 31 key stats on what voice searchers want. In this increasingly important area this knowledge could prove to be highly valuable. There are some very interesting stats in there. One of my personal favorites is that 41.8% of people are annoyed by voice search being used in public BUT looking at usage data that’s also about the same number that don’t do it. So basically people either use voice search in public or don’t like that others do. There are a lot more valuable takeaways in the write-up. 🙂
Google Local Pack Showing Google Shopping Ads
Barry Schwartz over on Search Engine Roundtable wrote about a discovery by Mike Blumenthal that Google is now including Google Shopping results in the local pack. A big change that will make it almost madatory for local businesses to get involved in PPC if they want to compete at all. Well played Google.
Google Home Traffic Is Direct
Search Engine Journal’s Matt Southern discusses the discovery that Google Home traffic appears in Analytics as Direct traffic. Something Google is sure to adjust but for now this is how it’s playing out.
RIP Google+
Also on Search Engine Journal Matt Southern outlines what’s coming down the pipe as Google retires the classic Google+ and launches a new version. Will this one gain more traction? Only time will tell but I’m not putting my money on it.
Google Helps You Avoid Parking Nightmares
Over on The Next Web Napier Lopez discusses a Google test that warns users about likely parking scenarios around a destination Another reason to use Google Maps for directions and (in my opinion) a very good idea.
That’s it for today. We welcome your additions below.