Beanstalk‘s own Mary Davies joined Ann Smarty on Viral Content Bee for a Twitter-based Q&A to discuss user experience and how it impacts rankings.
Here was their discussion (the question asked by Ann is in bold, with the Tweet-replies following).
Q1 – How did you become an Internet marketer? Whats your career path?
@vcbuzz A1-1) It was sort of out of frustration:) Lol. I was a web designer (this is back in 2002 so keep that in mind) #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A1-2) Id make pretty sites only to be wrecked when passed to an SEO who would jam in H1s, text links, keyword stuffing etc #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A1-3) I got sick of seeing my sites bulldozed 4 the sake of SEO. So I got into SEO & started designing SEO friendly sites. #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A1-4) Over time I realized that I was more into SEO & conversions than conceptual design so moved fully into marketing. #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A1-5) In 2004 my partner and I Dave Davies ( @beanstalkim ) decided to start our company Beanstalk Internet Marketing #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A1-6) He was already working in SEO & it made sense to take the jump together. We’ve found that we balance each other well. #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A1-7) Within our company he handles more of the technical SEO and I handle more of the onsite, UX, conversions, etc #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A1-8) We both have a good grasp on the others skillset but let each other take the lead in areas we r most passionate about #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A1-9) For years I stressed the importance of UX but for a good chunk of those years many people shrugged off its importance #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A1-10) So I focused more & more on standard SEO but always still with an eye to UX when the client was able to see the ROI. #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
Q2 – What are the most common user experience mistakes you see on business websites?
@vcbuzz A2-1) Not being able to see outside the box they r in, getting stuck in what worked & not paying attention to what works now #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A2-2) I think @wilreynolds said it best at @moz con this past summer “Just because it works, doesn’t mean it should be done” #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A2-3) Im actually in the thick of things with a design company right now that I am fighting with on this #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A2-4) There’s ALWAYS a better way. I come up against “but it’s working” alot & I always say “that’s a great starting point”. #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A2-5) I love this Henry Ford quote, it works perfectly … wait image load isn’t working 1 sec #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz I’m giving up on the image but the quote is If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses. #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A2-6) Its our job as UX professionals to invent what the user wants before they even know it. #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A2-7) Its my job & really anyone who calls themselves a UX professional to find what a user wants before they even know it #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A2-8) U don’t just pull it out of a hat though, u see a need & provide a solution. #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A2-9) I suppose that’s the broad answer 2 your question though. I think if I had to pick 1 element of UX gone wrong the most #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A2-10) It would have to be site navigation. Whether we are talking main nav or navigating via links in content, even CTA’s. #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A2-11) If the visitor has trouble either figuring out where to go or not getting what they were expecting when they click #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A2-12) you’ve at best got a frustrated user but more likely you have a bounce. If you do nothing else to improve your UX #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A2-13) f ix your navigation. Nobody can help you better with this than new users. Grab a test group and give them missions #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A2-14) Set up some entering on landing pages, others on your home page, all with different goals and let them teach you #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A2-15) Second to that would be overwhelming and unengaging content. Gone are the days of keyword stuffed content (thank god) #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A2-16) But then we had the “content is king” era which was all fine but basically turned into a content hoarding situation #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A2-17) Don’t get me wrong I’m all for content but everything in moderation. The goal must be useful content not just content #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A2-18) And third (but definitely not least) I would want to be sure to mention the mobile experience. IT HAS TO BE GREAT! #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A2-19) I’ll chat more on this in the next question but for this 1, it is amazing the number of terrible mobile sites there r #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A2-20) Actually this is probably a good place to jump into the next question so let’s go for it π #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
Q3 – How does UX affect a websites rankings?
@vcbuzz A3-1) In so many ways! & increasingly these days. I have a list inspired by Oasis (remember them?) called Definitely Maybe #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A3-2) & those maybes r quickly becoming definitelys thanks to AI. Much isn’t really proven yet, it’s 2 early in the game #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A3-3) but we can see the trend & look 2 things like Rankbrain & Google patents to give us a good solid picture of the future #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A3-4) So take my Definitely Maybe list with a grain of salt & keep in mind that even if it isn’t a proven ranking factor yet #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A3-5) Any positive UX work will improve your conversions so there it’s really a win/win but we’ll talk conversions in a bit #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A3-6) So my UX Definitely a ranking factor list is: PageSpeed, HTTPS, Mobile Friendly, Broken Links, Titles & Descriptions #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A3-7) & my UX Maybe (& soon to be Definitely) a ranking factor list is: CTR, Bounce Rate, Time on Site, Social Sharing #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A3-8) The social sharing factor is where I get the most push back but a recent Google patent highlights it as a possibility #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A3-8) You can read my business partners evaluation of that patent here > #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A3-9) With the addition of RankBrain we saw a move 2 a much different way of Google evaluating the weight of certain signals #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A3-10) I wont go into how it is all done but @randfish did a great whiteboard that explains it well at >> #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz Whiteboard >> #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A3-11) The major thing to note here is the 1 strategy fits all only works if that strategy encompasses all possible signals #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A3-12) And the key word there is POSSIBLE because that’s the world we are now in. Q- Could it be a ranking signal? A- Maybe! #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A3-13) AI is literally changing search by the second & I honestly dont even think Google can predict where this is all going #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A3-14) I do know that Google is focusing on UX because that is what AI is based on. It is attempting to experience as we do #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A3-15) We’ve seen Google leaning toward this 4 years w/ Hummingbird, Mobilegeddon, Rankbrain & now mobile 1 first indexing #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A3-16) All of these major changes are based on understanding what the user wants. They know their survival (aka ad revenue) #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A3-17) is entirely dependent on users staying and not jumping ship. Google is adapting to the user & their predicted needs #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A3-18) So in short all UX matters 4 rankings if u r thinking of where search is headed but there r some areas that stand out #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A3-19) But as mentioned, its a win/win when coupled with conversions which is your next question Ill get to answering now #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
Q4 – How does UX effect a websites conversions?
@vcbuzz A4-1) In every way you can think of really π #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-2) As I’ve touched on already, there’s ALWAYS room for improvement. Even if your sites is performing well. #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-3) The “if it’s not broken don’t fix it” mentality isn’t welcome here. I say if its not broken great! Now make it better! #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-4) A gr8 example of this was talked about by @CaraHarshman where she mentioned increasing donations by 239% 2 a nonprofit #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-5) simply by creating an easier way for users to have their credit card information saved. UX for the win! #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-6) I have a bit of a UX cheat sheet I like to pass to people who want an easy reference of what needs addressing for UX #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-7) It’s a bit long and probably needs some additions too but it’s a good starting place anyway. You ready? Here it goes! #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-8) HTTPS, Mobile Friendly, PageSpeed, Broken Links, Titles & Descriptions, Navigation, Useful Content, Digestible Content #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-9) But wait! There’s more! … Links To External Sites, CTA’s, Avoid Frustration, Human Testing, Engaging Imagery, … #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-10)… Contact Page, 404 Pages , Connect/Tell Stories, Make Sharing & Following Easy π No sweat! π #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-11) #ibeleiveinyou #youcandoit π #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-12) Now that list may lead you to some questions which I will try to address really quickly 1 by 1 & why they matter … #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-13) HTTPS Offers sense of security & in Jan Chrome to begin marking non HTTPS sites collecting sensitive data Not Secure #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-14) Mobile – Google is demanding it and so are users. In the words of Nike, JUST DO IT! π #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-15) Page Speed – 47% of users expect a 2 second load time, 40% leave after 3 seconds. Pretty straight forward π #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-16) Broken Links are a major frustration factor & you are missing out on link weight. Fix them π #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-17) Titles & Descriptions are your 1st impression & tell Google what you’re about. DON’T LIE! And please test often π #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-18) Navigation – Make it a logical journey, don’t cause navigation exhaustion, it should be helpful not confusing π #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-19) Useful Content – think like a user, what r u looking for & what would u actually read?! Use Google Suggest for ideas! #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-20) Digestible Content – Don’t overwhelm the user! Wealth of information = Poverty of attention. Break it up into blocks. #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-21) Links to External Sites should ALWAYS add value to the user & always open in a new tab. Don’t send your users away! #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-22) CTA’s – Keep it simple & be clear. Make it personal when u are able. Don’t create too many as it will work against u. #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-23) Avoid Frustration – Don’t misrepresent yourself w/ titles & descriptions, don’t offer something you can’t deliver #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-24) Human Testing – You need fresh eyes and new users to do this right! People who will tell you you’re baby’s ugly π #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-25) Engaging Imagery – Don’t use terrible stock photos! Draw the user into the experience. #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-26) Contact Pages are so underrated this is your last point of contact often & often with a frustrated visitor. Connect! #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-27) 404s – an opportunity to offer solutions/directions, connect with a frustrated user and offer an apology #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-28) Connect/Tell Stories – Make your message personal and don’t throw your content at the users. Tell a story. #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A4-29) Make Sharing/Following Easy – Because why wouldn’t you?! Let the people love you and tell the whole world about it π #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
Q5 – Its such a broad topic: Wed love to learn more! Please link to your favorite resources on the topic of UX!
@vcbuzz A5) Here’s a few articles I’ve written and resources and tools I’ve found useful …. #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz A5) Great place UX related content #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz You can check out some of my pieces on our blog at #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz and to answer @donsturgill some tools I like to use are Crazyegg, and 5 second test #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
And some questions from the audience:
what do you think about going back through a site and looking at old external links? like on old blog posts? @vcbuzz #vcbuzz
Bill Hartzer (@bhartzer) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz @billhartzer crazyegg for a quick picture #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz @billhartzer If you want more in depth data a service like gives you more than Crazyegg #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz I just want to say thanks so much @seosmarty for having me! It was a pleasure chatting #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016
@vcbuzz and all participants, it’s been a pleasure! π Happy Holidays! #vcbuzz
Mary Davies (@beanstalk) December 20, 2016