Return of the Panda

There appears to be speculation that there is another Google Update underway. Several reports from webmasters in a Webmaster World thread have stated that they are seeing some significant changes in the Google SERPs. Often in isolated reports like this, it is usually the result of specific tests being run on isolated data centers. However, […]

Refuting Debunked SEO Practices

I came across an interesting blog post from that was titled: "16 SEO Tactics That Will NOT Bring Targeted Google Visitors" where Jill Whalen was discussing strategies that she felt were no longer valid seo tactics. I have reposted some of the points here and have added in my comments on each. Jill’s posts […]

Something Panda This Way Comes…

Rewind back to a few weeks ago, when the Farmer and Panda Updates hit North America. Rankings dropped, SEOs were flummoxed and panic ensued. There was much wailing, pulling of hair and gnashing of teeth. Most people you talk to now are still trying to sort out the details of the update and to determine […]

After the Panda-mic

I came across a good post this morning from Greg Niland talking about how to recover after the Panda Algorithm update from Google. As you may know, thousands of sites were devastated by the update, which left many wondering how to proceed and how to regain their once former rankings and traffic. Greg speaks about […]

2011: Year of the Organic Web

Some people in the industry are speculating that keyword rich domain names will be the next target to be hit by Google’s latest algorithm update. When you go to register a new domain name, the first question that inevitable rises is: "DoI go with a keyword rich domain name? ( for example), or something that […]

“Do Ads Affect Rankings?”

There seems to some confusion as to whether Ads do or do not play a significant role in Google Ranking Algorithm. During the initial release of the Farmer Update it was stated that Google is now using the presence of ads on a website as a ranking factor. Of course they were quite vague regarding […]

“Web OS Wars – episode I: A New OS”

  Beginning next year, Hewlett Packard will be release it’s WebOS on each and every PC. Their hope is to get developers away from mobile devices exclusively and on to desktops. WebOS will be offered in conjunction with the Windows OS HP hopes to develop the WebOS in to a multi-platform OS that can run […]