Spain-full SOPA Politics

The Jan 2nd news that Spain has full implemented it’s anti-piracy ‘Sinde Law’ was a blow to the Anti-SOPA community. It was even more painful to learn today that there’s deep allegations of US involvement and threats geared towards passing the law. If you’ve been on Reddit, or Torrentfreak, you’ve probably seen the following allegations: […]

SOPA Sabotage

From the same band that brought us “Fight for Your Right” comes many great themes for opposing SOPA. In a post-SOPA world images and music with questionable copyrights will be tickets for take downs, financial seizure, and other under handed attacks on popular websites. You think the legal ho-ha over patents is extremely petty and […]

No “SOPA Fight” Ruling Until New Year?

As a follow up to our ongoing coverage of the SOPA debate, It looks as though the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee will postpone any ruling son the controversial Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA) until after the Congress holiday break. Texas Republican Representative Lamar Smith stated on Friday that he would consider a hearing […]

TGIF – 301 Me to your leader

**UPDATE** SOPA is on the back burner, for now, due to overwhelming protest and concern from public! *YAY!* Not my turn for a full post, I’m cheating because it’s Friday.. (..and SOPA does stink. P-U!) Just wanted to end the week with a predictable poke at SOPA… Last I looked they were in recess but […]