Well it’s that time, Friday is at it’s end and we’re heading into the weekend and what better thing to do on the weekend than catch up on the SEO and search news? Previous days in the week are obviously covered in past posts but here’s whats happened over the past 24 (or maybe a little more at this point) hours. 🙂
“Not mobile-friendly” Label Removed
An issue over at the Googleplex with the “Not mobile-friendly” label added to search results where one of the ranking page will not display properly on mobile has been temporarily disabled due to technical issues. In his post on the subject Barry Schwartz over at Search Engine Land illustrates that pages were being labelled as not mobile-friendly that indeed were and so they have all had to be removed as Google works on a fix.
How To Prioritize Your Link Building Efforts
Rand Fishkin over at Moz did quite a good Whiteboard Friday covering how to prioritize your link building efforts. He gets into detail on the techniques used to rate them and determine where your energies are best spent. I don’t always agree with folks on link strategies but this explanation is pretty much spot on. So here it is …
And that’s it for the day. Yup – only two real pieces of info worth noting and how excellent is that as you try to either catch up on what you didn’t get to during the week (that’ll be me tomorrow) or take some much needed R & R. If you’re still up for some additional reading and if you missed our top news from earlier in the week you can find them at:
Monday – We talked about a new analytics UI rollout, an amazing Google Spreadsheet function to get you your keyword data back, new Google Maps functions and more.
Tuesday & Wednesday – I got a bit bogged down on Tuesday and so had to cover both days on Wednesday. We covered Google’s addition of fun facts to the search results, some significant changes to Facebook Video, Emojis being back in the SERPs, a patent analysis by Bill Slawski and more.
Thursday – On Thursday we covered Google Home adding shopping, a great article on AI from Jeremy Knauff, Jonathan Allen was on Webcology with Jim Hedger and I, Google changing the ad carousel on mobile and a few other interesting gems.