Had a great radio show today chatting with co-host Jim Hedger about all of the past week’s news. Well now ti’s time to start blogging the stories we’ll be chatting about in our next episode. So here’s what’s happened over the past 24 hours in search and SEO …
Jonathan Allen Chats Publishing & Content Marketing
Speaking of radio shows, our guest today was co-Founder and President of Longneck and Thunderfoot chatting about publishing, marketing, the impact of AI on search and on SEO’s specifically. Will it make us better? Will black hats use their own AI? These questions and more answered.
Google Home Adds Shopping
In a logical and expected step Google has now added shopping functionality to Google Home. The addition was reported on well by Taylor Martin over on cnet who goes through the setup process (pretty straight forward and as I found out, if you try to use it before you do your Google Home will inform you of the process). When you ask it to order for you it’ll take you through a few results and allow you to order it (up to $100 at this time).
i Search – AI And The Search Landscape
In a great piece by Jeremy Knauff over on Search Engine Journal he outlines clearly the past, present and his predicted future of AI and it’s impact on search and SEO. It’s a long read (probably about 20 minutes) but worth every minute if you at all care about the direction things are headed in (and if you don’t I’m not sure why you’re on an SEO blog 🙂 )
Reclaim Broken Links
I don’t generally share stories on core SEO basics but Janet Driscoll Miller wrote a piece for Search Engine Land that covers a subject of great opportunity that’s so often overlooked I wanted to include it. She covers in her piece how to find a reclaim broken links. These are links that land on 404 pages meaning their weight never gets to you. Getting that weight back is far easier than building a new link making it a fundamental strategy and 100% worth the read.
Google Implementing Anti-Piracy Code
Google is voluntarily working with representatives of the entertainment industry to finalize an agreement as to what can be done. Essentially this code would eliminate the presence of links to copyright infringing material. When we say “voluntarily” it’s pretty loosely however as it was highly likely the UK government would force the issue if they didn’t. The agreement related only to the UK at this time but as Matt Southern over at Search Engine Journal points out, this will put pressure on Google in the US to do something similar.
Google Showing Multiple Ad Extensions In Carousel
Ginny Marvin over at Search Engine Land reported on newly spotted feature wherein all extensions on mobile now stack into a scrollable carousel allowing the searcher to view multiple offers and information on the company. They can include sitelinks, reviews, offers, etc. A very interesting twist and something we all need to watch closely.
Google Adding New Schema Support
Barry Schwartz over at Search Engine Roundtable reported on an interested find by Aaron Bradly. Google is showing early access to schema support though much of it 404s presently. The new support includes job listings and seemingly many others. I don’t personally see the JOBS link nor does Barry but clearly something is on the horizon.
And that’s it for the day. Looking forward to seeing what tomorrow brings.