The now ClickZ (formerly SES) had its inaugural debut in New York this week. Everyone from the digital world showed their presence at this year’s event, but it sounds as though the number of tables has dwindled. Google and Bing both had exclusive rooms but unfortunately the number of showcased digital businesses was much less than in previous years. Jim hedger mentioned that since there were fewer larger corporate companies than before the smaller tables had less of a discount. Although there were fewer tables than prior years didn’t stop the show from going on.
Retirement of Grehan
Mike Grehan, publisher of Search Engine Watch, as well as a long time veteran on the board of directors for the once SES International (now ClickZ), has retired. Grehan said that this was his decision and felt he had accomplished what he wanted and it was time to move on. He’s been long respected within the community and is the reason why his sudden retirement leaves many shocked. Many loyal fans are uncertain about the future of this event and are left to only speculate into what caused Mike’s sudden retirement. None the less we would like to thank Mike for many great live shows and we look to hearing more from him in the future.
The big topic stirring thoughts at the event was “Links”. Google’s wrath against the mal-practice of links has left more than many insecure of what could be next on the chopping block. The big concern stated by Jim was the penalty through association from penalized sites. The reason is that many Mom and Pop sites have been hurt through distant affiliation and can’t afford to pull themselves out. We now have to adapt and change, forcing SEOs into more of a professional role while representing their client.
In defense of Google many within the SEO community brought this upon themselves by abusing the system. Things needed to change which forced them into a more honest role and unfortunately these Mom and Pops were caught in the snares of the system. It will take time for SEO and businesses to recuperate but we are sure that these changes will bring a better internet for all.