Generation Like-Influence Marketing- Successful Content Marketing

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If you’re looking to boost digital credibility and learn a foundation of how influence marketing works I encourage you to check out Generation Like. This documentary from Frontline on PBS is a great kick starter into how the digital marketing strengthens brand influence by association. I’ve been singing the praise of influence marketing from the beginning of time and if done right you can take an unknown company and make it known.

I was really encouraged when I saw these young kids that truly understood influence marketing, apply it and create successful brands. These kids don’t have expensive tools or work for big data firms yet they found out how to make a success out of it. There is a lot to be learned and I encourage everyone to watch it. In fact it will be my mandatory introduction for most small to midsize client wanting to maximize their digital influence.

Click the link to watch Generation Like below

[schema type=”movie” url=”” name=”Generation Like” description=”In less than an hour learn how teenage kids can boost your brand. This documentary shows you the ins and outs of how young digital superstars create a successful enterprise. ” director=”Tim Mangini” producer=”Frank Koughan & Douglas Rushkoff” ]