Has Anybody Seen My Panda?

Panda man
Less than a month ago Google released the panda 4.1 to crawl within the internet. Slowly people have been seeing slight changes. It’s been said by Google that they won’t be announcing Panda iterations and that they will every so often update our little buddy with the indexing process. They also mentioned that Panda will be softer and a little friendlier to smaller online businesses. Good news for the little guy but I wouldn’t breathe easy yet.

The soft and cute little fella is focused on low quality content but appears to be chomping down on information and affiliate based websites. The fact is nobody has yet to notice major dips in rankings yet but it’s sure to happen as the month ends.

If you’re an informative site with heaps if content I suspect you will be visited by our little friend. Just make sure that your content is helpful and it’s truly resourceful enough for people to share. Just make sure you make it assessable for your visitors to share your great content and that you promote your material too.

Even if you’re a small business I recommend reviewing your content onsite as well as on your blog. Work towards building it for your clients overall experience. Try to move away from writing blog material just for the sake of having something up there. Learn from the tools you have social media and analytic to know exactly what your clientele want to read or find resourceful.

None the less, I’m sure as our little friend roams the inter-space of the web you will begin to hear of the sites that are getting nibbled at.

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