Web Presence Optimizing PubCon

Warning This Content Is a Live Blog and Not Perfect

Jenneva Vargas

Stoney deGeyter

Tim Ash

Let’s face it being on the web can be like trying to be understood in foreign country. The panel today is discussing just how to be heard, be seen and strengthen your overall web presence.

Jenneva discussed the first step is properly utilizing social media while targeting and creating the best content to make the best ROI.

Stoney also reinforced the fact that in today’s market we have to take advantage of all platforms as much as possible. Maximizing the content that we produce to create the best return through the use of PDF, video,pictures and so on.

Jeneveve in fact mentioned that utilizing the most simple yet images will more than often make more of an impact on social media than an expensive multimedia add campaign.

Tim Ash looks at the the science of the mind when it comes to how we decide what we want on the website. What are mind becomes attracted to in the split second our eyes lay sight on an object.

Market for your tribe and market for your community because not everybody will be attracted to the same content. Be smart be wise and pay close attention to who you cater to and give them what they want. They will always be quick to choose because we are inherently lazy and fairly stupid.