Google’s new Offline Conversion API
Google has been busy in 2013, retiring the old Offline Conversions APIs, and beginning a new Offline Conversions import service…
Marketing News & Consulting
Google has been busy in 2013, retiring the old Offline Conversions APIs, and beginning a new Offline Conversions import service…
While a lot changes day to day in the SEO world, most of it is of far too little interest or substance to report on, so occasionally we’ll allow ourselves the flexibility to get off topic. In Canada we have some insanely bad internet service. I’m talking about all things considered, performance, price, and options. […]
It’s clearly time for Beanstalk to officially list ourselves as a sitedefibrillation solution provider. Why? Because apparently the secret to SERP dominance with an EMD is to coin your own phrase! Do a search for ‘coinflation’ + ‘gold’ or really, almost any other keyword to see what Google considers an ‘improved’ result following the EMD […]
From time immemorial, countless people have looked at the stars and contemplated their existence and life’s greatest questions; What happens to us after we die? What will our legacy be? What will become of my Facebook account?
Microsoft knows the pains of anti-trust lawsuits, million dollar fines, and the expensive nature of dividing up a business so it doesn’t look like a monopoly. So it’s no shock that one of the biggest weapons in Microsoft’s war chest is a handful of small companies that can claim Google services have stymied their opportunities […]
Admittedly, when I read the announcement that Google Advisor (Link removed – no longer available) was here to help me manage my money the first thoughts were about privacy and that last bastion of private information Google hasn’t touched yet: Banking. Being wrong never felt so good! Google Advisor is not (at the moment) a […]
There were so many interesting technology/internet developments between Friday and now today that I can’t really pick which one to focus on? Sliding FB stock prices, Google finally taking over what was the mobility division of Motorola, SpaceX reaching the ISS, Wiki-leaks’ social media platform, and the Google Knowledge Graph.. and more! If we looked […]
Well Google Drive has been making a lot of headlines about ownership of files, depth of file privacy, virus scanning, archive support, etc.. etc.. One item I have not seen anyone mention is the installer/login system that Google Drive is using. As an SEO who has to be able to test a multitude of browser […]
There has been a rash of complaints and public outcry arising over companies asking potential employees for their Facebook login credentials. Several complaints have been filed in Canada and the United States of documented cases in which job applicants have been asked to surrender their Facebook username and password during job interviews. Using social profiles […]