Google’s Continuing Smack Down
Google laid the smack down on 7 Japanese Link Networks recently. The Google technique of slowly shutting down blog networks must be having others around the world in a cold sweat. Is this like the horrid way pet felines like to play with their prey by slowly poking out the eye and then maybe gnawing on its tail? If it isn’t it sure looks that way so watch out you sneaky little grey hats.
Google is PPing on your PPC
In efforts to keep search secure they have removed query data from the referrer on the SSL on Although, third party software for keyword data won’t be able to be generated, webmasters can still use Google’s webmaster tools for more detailed information. Most speculate that Google’s move to do this is only to increase ad spend from the inadequate data. As SEOs have been moving on to evolve with Google’s rapid changes so does the PPC world one keyword at a time.
Masters of intelligence
Our next generation is already proving to be leaders in science and technology. Runnymede Robotics a division of Runnymede Collegiate is preparing for the World Championships in St Louis Missouri. Webcology had chance to interview a few of the bright youth who will be representing Canada with their amazing feats of engineering. During the interview the students showed an obvious affinity for the importance science and technology plays in our modern society. No doubt their one of a kind robot is ready to face up to 400 international competitors.
Beyond the robots they proved that they had a great knack with using online resources to crowd source funds for the special event. Armed with social media platforms like YouTube and Facebook and the right amount of engagement they were able to direct that interest into actual money to finance the big day. These kids can show many non-profits a thing or two about finance sourcing. Good luck Runnymede Robotics!